Finding Your Path

An Inside Look at Earning a Master of Theological Studies

Written by Perkins School of Theology | Jul 11, 2022 6:00:00 AM

What is a Master of Theological Studies?

There are many different reasons to earn a Master of Theological Studies degree. Some are called to servant leadership and will earn a degree to continue their service in the church. If you aren’t necessarily being called to vocational ministry (although some denominations will accept a Master of Theological Studies degree for ordination), and desire to strengthen your theological education for personal enrichment, leadership in the church as a lay minister or to lay the groundwork for an academic doctorate in religious studies, the M.T.S. degree may be a great option for you.

Earning an M.T.S. Degree

Earning a degree can be very beneficial in many different aspects. Not only does a Master of Theological Studies yield the benefits to further your education, gain knowledge and grow and develop your skill set, it also offers much more. These benefits include:

  • Growing in your faith. Throughout an M.T.S. degree program, you will be able to continue your faith formation as a layperson in the church.
  • Enrichment. You will experience personal and theological enrichment and strengthen your Christian leadership skills with an M.T.S. degree.
  • Gain knowledge. With an M.T.S. degree, the curriculum includes biblical courses, church history, Greek and Hebrew languages, and an option for crafting a program designed to your theological interests.
  • Thesis development. An M.T.S. can serve as preparation for further graduate study for either the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Ministry degree programs. The M.T.S. requires a thesis for completion of the degree and can place you in a trajectory for either of the doctoral programs.

Most Master of Theological Studies programs will offer courses to help strengthen and discern your call. Sample classes include:

  • Basic Ministerial Studies
  • Biblical Studies
  • World Religions and Christianity
  • Theology and Culture
  • Church Music and Worship

Typically, earning an M.T.S. degree takes two years to complete.

Improving Your Servant Leadership Skills through a Theology Degree

Personal enrichment for leadership in the church or faith-based community organizations and agencies may be your goal. Other options include:

  • Head of Finances
  • Youth Ministry Leader
  • Executive Pastor
  • Christian Education roles
  • Spiritual Care Coordinator
  • Pastoral Counselor

An M.T.S. degree can also help strengthen relationships and deepen meaningful work and careers outside of the direct church. Some of these include:

  • Counselor
  • Higher Ed Theology Professor/Faculty
  • Missionary
  • Social Worker
  • Director of Campus Ministry/Spiritual Life
  • Bereavement Coordinator
  • Client-facing careers (ex: consultants, physicians, advisors, marketers)

As stated above, an M.T.S. degree can also pave the way to earn a doctoral degree, and throughout an M.T.S. program and your thesis writing, you may learn what area of study you would most likely enjoy studying. As a reminder, an M.T.S. will be accepted for ordination within a number of denominations.

*We strongly encourage you to check with the ordaining body of your denomination with particular denominations before beginning your pathway if not a member of The United Methodist Church.

Earn an M.T.S. Degree at Perkins School of Theology

While offering a solid foundation of theological disciplines, our unique Master of Theological Studies program enables you to plan your studies so that they serve both your personal theological interests and professional goals.

Move fully into the life of service to which God has called you. Whether your vocation is educator, youth leader, scholar, pastor, or committed layperson, the faculty and staff of Perkins will guide you to acquire the resources; spiritual, personal, emotional and intellectual; to fulfill your ministry goals.

“For me, seminary was about exploration of my calling. Perkins and its academic rigor and diversity in thought are essential in uncovering real depth and abandoning myself to God. Perkins gives me the best chance to do this,”

- Dr. Herman J. Felton, Jr., Perkins graduate, President and CEO of Wiley College in Marshall, TX.


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