Finding Your Path

Seminary Requirements and the Application Process at Perkins

Written by Perkins School of Theology | Feb 26, 2023 8:23:00 PM

Deciding to attend seminary is not an easy journey to embark on. However, helpful resources can make that journey a little bit easier. In this article, we will address the application process, tuition, financial aid and scholarships, offer helpful tips, and more. We invite you to continue reading for more information.

Perkins' Theology Degrees at a Glance

We offer many graduate degrees to serve your ministry and vocational goals. Listed below are the possible degree options at Perkins School of Theology.

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

Purpose: To prepare for ordination to Word, sacrament, order and service
Length: 73 hours (3 years)
Location: Dallas and Houston-Galveston (hybrid option)
Internship Required: Yes

Master of Arts in Ministry (M.A.M.)

Purpose: To prepare for leadership in community and church ministry
Length: 37 hours (1.5 years)
Location: Dallas and Houston-Galveston (hybrid option)
Internship Required: Yes

Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)

Purpose: To provide basic understanding of the theological disciplines as a foundation for further graduate study, for enhancement of lay leadership roles or for personal enrichment
Length: 48 hours (2 years)
Location: Dallas
Thesis Required: Yes.

Master of Sacred Music (M.S.M.)

Purpose: To prepare for professional church music leadership
Length: 48 hours (2 years)
Location: Dallas
Internship: Supervised practicum

Master of Theology (Th.M.)

Purpose: To enhance a student’s ministry through advanced study, examining a specific interest in Christianity or preparing for doctoral studies.
Length: 24 hours (1 year)
Location: Dallas
Thesis or Portfolio Required: Yes.

Doctor of Ministry (D.Min. Degree)

Purpose: To seek vocational depth and direction; gain theological knowledge and understanding of vocational and leadership identity in tandem with developing skills for relevant practices of ministry.
Length: 30 hours
Location: Dallas

Doctor of Pastoral Music (D.P.M. Degree)

Purpose: designed for experienced church musicians who have achieved a Master of Sacred Music degree or its equivalent and who are devoted to increasing their effectiveness in broadening their vision of the pastoral dimensions of music ministry into the larger community. 
Length: 39 hours
Location: Dallas

What's Required to Earn Your Degree in Theology at Perkins?

To apply for our Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Ministry, Master of Theological Studies, Master of Sacred Music and Master of Theology degrees, applicants must provide:

  • Biographical, demographic and church information
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
  • Three letters of recommendation
    • Clergy
    • Professor or professional colleague or supervisor for those who have been out of school for more than five years
    • Lay leader (If you are not a United Methodist, a reference from a non-clergy person who serves on the leadership team at your church or can attest to your faith, call, ministry or potential for ministry, is adequate.)
  • Résumé
  • Essay (4 – 7 pages on one of two topics provided in the application)

Before you start your application, keep in mind that:

  • You must complete each section of the application.
  • The sections do not have to be completed in order. You can save your application and come back later to add or change information.
  • Once you’ve submitted your application, you can no longer make changes.

Applications are reviewed throughout the year, but we encourage you to apply early to ensure your materials are received in a timely manner and to have the best opportunity to win one of our merit-based scholarships. You can always find up-to-date application deadlines here.

Top Five Application Tips from Admissions

1. Always remember to proofread your essay! This is a first look into your academic future.

2. Don't spend too much time on the essay, especially if you are a 2nd career student. Don’t allow your distance from school to freeze you.

3. Make sure to provide quality recommendations. Find people who speak highly of you and that are excited to write about you.

4. Your résumé can include volunteer or church engagement too, not just professional background.

5. Currently, the application fee is waived, so it’s always better to submit than not!

We encourage you to meet with an advisor if you have any questions about the process, as well as welcome you to tour campus and attend an event. If you are an international student, be sure to learn about some requirements and considerations that may affect you.

Affording Seminary at Perkins

Our Office of Enrollment Management team is ready to work with you to make your seminary experience affordable with scholarships, need-based grants and loans.

At Perkins:

  • 100% of master's degree-seeking students with demonstrated need receive financial aid
  • $12,200 average annual award granted to full-time, degree-seeking students
  • 2 Weeks is the time it takes to receive notification of your financial aid package once your completed application is submitted

Our financial aid coordinator partners with you to explore scholarships, grants, loans and payment plans so that you can focus on studying and preparing to leverage your skills and education. To view the most up-to-date tuition costs, please click here.

We suggest that you also complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your qualifications for assistance from other sources. Additional resources and tips on managing your educational and personal expenses are also offered through our Financial Literacy Program.

When you apply for admission, you are automatically considered for financial aid. You will receive information about your financial aid package soon after notification of your acceptance to Perkins.

Answer Your Call to Ministry and Apply Today

At Perkins, we attract high-achieving students, like yourself, who are called to ministry and seek solid preparation to answer the call to serve. Your time is now! We are here to welcome you with open arms and to provide a support system for you as you apply, enter into a program, learn with us, and eventually, graduate to go on to serve your ministry or vocation.

We welcome you to apply today.

Questions about the application process, Perkins or our programs?

If in-person seminary school is too difficult for you, we also offer our hybrid program.