Finding Your Path

The Ultimate Guide to Earning an MAM Degree

Written by Perkins School of Theology | Sep 22, 2022 7:37:55 PM

The Master of Arts in Ministry degree is an ideal pathway for those who have been called and who want to become an ordained Deacon in The United Methodist Church or pursue a similar position at another Christian denomination. If you desire chaplaincy, Christian education, or obtaining another church staffing position, the M.A.M. degree may be a great option for you.

Although this pathway is similar to an M.Div. degree program, the M.A.M. is better suited for someone who prefers not to be the lead minister of their church (although it may be acceptable for lead pastor in some denominations).

Earning a Master of Arts in Ministry Degree and Utilizing Your Christian Leadership Skills

There are many benefits to earning a degree. Some of these include: 

  • Growing in your faith. When obtaining an M.A.M. degree, you can expect to deep dive into your faith and your relationship with God at an academic level.
  • Build leadership skills. A servant leader must be prepared to lead. Although people who earn M.A.M. degrees typically choose not to be the main leader of their church, playing any role, especially in a faithful environment, requires leadership skills and capabilities.
  • Challenge yourself. In order to grow, sometimes surrounding yourself in unfamiliar and challenging situations can help you learn and evolve into the best version of you. 
  • Gain knowledge. With an M.A.M. degree, you can be prepared to learn about the Bible, church history, Greek and Hebrew languages, context of the church and other specialized ministry options.

Most Master of Arts in Ministry degree programs offer courses to make you a better leader and a more open follower of Christ. Some of these sample courses include:

  • Interpretation of the Christian Message
  • Biblical Studies
  • The Christian Heritage
  • Contextual Studies
  • Spiritual Formation

Earning an M.A.M. degree typically takes one to two years to complete, and does not require as many credit hours as most M.Div. programs do.

Becoming a Servant Leader with an M.A.M. Degree

With a Master of Arts in Ministry degree, students can continue to pursue their dreams of becoming an ordained deacon of The United Methodist Church, or a church of their denomination if credentials are accepted.*

Some of the roles of a deacon in The UMC are:

  • Assists Elders in the administration of sacraments and worship
  • Reading of scripture during service
  • Leading church and service ministries

Deacons also choose to actively play other vocational roles, in areas such as:

  • Chaplaincy
  • Hospitals
  • Social-service agencies
  • Missionaries
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Education
  • Youth Ministry

* We strongly encourage you to check with the ordaining body of your denomination with particular denominations before beginning your pathway if not a member of The United Methodist Church.

Answering Your Call to Ministry at Perkins School of Theology

If you want to play an increasingly meaningful role in a community of lively dialogue that encourages deep thought and honest reflection, Perkins School of Theology is for you. We welcome you to join us, and encourage you to move fully into the life of service to which God has called you. It is our expectation that you will graduate not only with a clearer understanding of yourself, but also with a broader and more sympathetic understanding of the beliefs of others.

“I have served Dallas based nonprofits in senior executive and leadership roles for many years, and I felt that the focus of the M.A.M. program would help me grow as a servant leader"

-Stephanie Bohan, 2020 Perkins M.A.M. graduate

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