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How Perkins is Creating Christian Leaders of Tomorrow

Perkins School of Theology, a community devoted to theological education and research in the service of the church. We are Wesleyan by tradition, United Methodist by affiliation, inclusive of diverse Christian expressions and welcoming of all. Continue reading to learn how Perkins is creating Christian leaders of tomorrow.

Shaping Servant Leaders in Today’s World

Our mission is to equip persons for faithful leadership and Christian ministry in a changing church and society. Perkins aims to educate those seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian faith and to strengthen the church, academy and world through service, scholarship and advocacy. And our mission shines through our students and alumni!

We are a welcoming, diverse and inclusive bunch that seeks to love one another in the way Christ demonstrated. In keeping with the diversity found in the Church, 42 percent of our students represent minority populations. While attending seminary, you’ll foster deep and professional relationships that extend beyond campus and will last a lifetime. 

At Perkins, our faculty steers away from teaching students what to think and focuses on teaching students how to think. We’re proud to have one of the nation’s top faculties covering the range of theological, biblical and pastoral scholarship and preparation. Our faculty of 30 is made up of 40 percent females and more than 30 percent representing minority groups.

In an increasingly polarized world, Perkins is a unique place where servant leaders gather together as a hospitable community in Christ and learn from each other across differences and boundaries. It is our mission to help all students strengthen their ministerial or vocational needs. 


Explore: Perkins Alumni Serve Their Vocation Across the Country

Perkins is proud to have alumni that go on to serve congregations, lead organizations, and innovate new ways of doing ministry. In fact, as of 2018, many of the top 100 United Methodist churches by membership size are led by Perkins alumni! This includes two of the largest UMC congregations: Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, led by Rev. Adam Hamilton, and Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dallas, led by Rev. Paul Rasmussen.

“I have been and will be continuously blessed by relationships cultivated through Perkins. Classmates, professors and administrators whose mere presence encourage me to be a better man and minister, to keep loving, learning and fighting for justice, and to stay grounded in prayer.” - Christian Walkins, M.Div. (2019)

Why Answering Your
Call to Ministry Matters

In an ever-increasingly fast-paced society, our societal challenges can sometimes seem too numerous to manage. The need for servant leadership continues to increase due to several factors, including the growing polarization throughout the world and in the church. You can help spread the Word. Answer your call to help serve others.

Your call can manifest in a myriad of ways and not feel as “apparent” as it may seem in others, or it may not feel as strong in one season or another. Nevertheless, God has called you, whether you know precisely where or not. . Discerning your call for personal fulfillment may need to start with self-reflection. 

You need to ask yourself, “What are my future goals? Do they align with the call from God that I am feeling in my life? How does God speak to me in my prayer life? What do fellow Christians say about my calling?”

Everyone has a different reason for clarifying their call. You may be interested in discerning your call because you wonder whether you should start a non-profit. Or, perhaps you are wondering what the next step in your faith journey looks like. It may be that you feel a small voice that pulls you toward pastoral ministry. 

Whatever your call, we welcome you to join us in answering your call and strengthening your vocation. You will be following in a long line of alumni who felt the same way, asked the same questions, and prayed the same prayers. You’re in good company! 


Earn Your Graduate Ministry Degree at Perkins

You could play an increasingly meaningful role in a community of lively dialogue that encourages deep thought and honest reflection. At Perkins, it is our expectation that you will graduate not only with a clearer understanding of yourself, but also with a broader and more sympathetic understanding of the beliefs of others. Leaders who are qualified to serve in the church can emerge in tensions and spaces that challenge you. At Perkins, we provide the challenge so that you can become a leader in a space that allows you to lead.

At Perkins, we offer many different graduate programs and pathways for your vocational goals. 

Explore our Programs

Looking for more guidance?


How can you discern your call with a theology or ministry degree?


Perkins School of Theology

Perkins School of Theology

Perkins School of Theology is one of the 13 seminaries of The United Methodist Church and one of only five university-related United Methodist theological schools, located in the heart of Dallas, Texas.

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