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What is My Vocation? 4 Ways To Discover Your Vocation

Have you ever wondered what your call is? Discerning your call, whether to service in ministry or other vocations, can be tricky to navigate. You may have a unique blend of God-given passions and abilities that feel equally important, or you might struggle to define what your skills actually are.

Finding your vocation and being confident in God’s call for your life can lead you through open doors to pursue faith more effectively, hone your gifts, and grow spiritually. At the end of the day, your personal calling is between you and God, but we’ve compiled a few first steps to discerning your vocation.

What is a Vocation?

The word “vocation” comes from the Latin root vocare, which literally means “to call.” Prior to the 16th century, the term was used in Christianity to describe God’s call to humanity or an individual to bring them to salvation. It grew to mean a more specific calling in the context of vocational ministry, which is the definition that most accept today—a vocation is God’s calling for your personal and professional life, to serve and love Him with the gifts He has given you.

A clear vocation can allow you to define your sense of purpose, live out your calling, and contribute meaningfully to the world. Discovering a vocation involves aligning your passion, skills, and values with meaningful work. Here are some questions you might ask to determine what matters in every area of your life:


  • What kind of person do I want to be?
  • What skills do I value in others?
  • What legacy do I want to leave? 


  • What professional skills do I value in others?
  • Where can I use my strengths to serve God in my career?


  • How can my relationship with God help others?
  • What spiritual gifts do I have?
  • How can I use my relationship with God in my everyday life?

Discovering Your Call to Vocational Ministry

Finding and fulfilling your vocation is a significant part of leading a purpose-driven life. While there are many ways to discover God’s call to you, here are a few simple steps to explore your passions and discern your spiritual calling.

Method 1: Self-Reflection of Personal Values

Your personal motivations and spiritual gifts are key to discerning your call. Take time to reflect on your core values, passions, and interests. What activities or tasks create joy in your life? Where do you find the most meaningful interactions day-to-day?

Try opening your heart to God’s voice through meditation on scripture or journaling during your regular study time. Keeping your own gifts and natural abilities in mind will allow you to reflect on God’s desires for your life while responding to what you have a natural affinity for.

Method 2: Experiential Exploration

If you’re seeking a vocational direction, trying new experiences can help you determine what you do or don’t want to pursue. Exposure to diverse settings and hands-on experiences gives you valuable insight into different options and helps you narrow down your interests. Try engaging in volunteer work, internships or community involvement to start.

Method 3: Seek Guidance and Mentorship

One of the best ways to find your calling is to seek counsel from those who have found vocational fulfillment. You can start by having a conversation with mentors, career counselors, or spiritual leaders. Individuals in your fields of interest will have insider information and be able to give you real-world advice for your future. 

Method 4: Embrace Life's Challenges and Opportunities

Your own life experiences, both positive and challenging, are pivotal in shaping your calling. Each step that led you to this moment is forming your passions and capabilities and building a unique foundation for your vocation. Life’s obstacles present important opportunities for growth and self-discovery, encouraging important qualities like resilience and adaptability that will remain with you for the rest of your life.

If you’re hearing God’s calling for your life, there’s no better time to answer than now. Take the next step into spiritual wisdom and personal growth by living out your vocation on a practical level.

Put Your Vocation into Practice at Seminary: Perkins School of Theology

In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he explains God's wonderful desires for those who serve Him, saying, “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 NRSV). Discovering and living out your vocation is a step that will transform your faith and your life.

Perkins School of Theology provides an educational pathway to explore and strengthen your vocation. Our supportive and welcoming community and mentorship opportunities will prepare you for your journey in vocational Christian ministry.




Perkins School of Theology

Perkins School of Theology

Perkins School of Theology is one of the 13 seminaries of The United Methodist Church and one of only five university-related United Methodist theological schools, located in the heart of Dallas, Texas.

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